Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Scare Package I & II

 The Scare Package movies are a couple of goofy low-budget horror comedies consisting of a bunch of skits tied together by a ridiculous framing device that ends up being a little more involved than that - I'd say the framing device takes up about a third or more of each movie. Their main thing is being very meta, and all about horror.

 The first movie starts very promisingly. The first sketch is about the guy who's going around in the background of the horror movies we watch, making it so that scary things can happen: he changes the road signs so that the tourists end up at the abandoned mental asylum, he cuts the lights when the babysitter is home alone, he rents out the house with the obvious ghost to the unsuspecting couple...  scene-setting, but within each movie's reality. It's a fun, clever concept, and they manage to take it to some respectably ridiculous places.

 Once that's done the framing device kicks in - it turns out this first sketch was somebody telling Chad, a video store owner about his idea for a movie (called, wait for it... 'Cold Open'). There's a new guy starting work at the store, so it's an excuse to show a couple more sketches - the second one is a doozy, a not particularly clever but very funny bit of mayhem about... Jesus, something about a weird lycanthrope and a serial killer going at it on a couple's retreat in the middle of the woods. It's a lot of fun, and boasts some pretty great gore.

 After that, unfortunately, it goes a bit downhill. The skits from there on range from merely ok to terrible, and the last forty minutes go back to the framing device, where the video store guy gets forcefully inducted into a sort of facility where scientists are studying an actual slasher. The slasher breaks free and starts murdering everyone, the good guys fall into horror 'types', with Chad the video store guy pointing out the tropes and shit. It's kind of fun, but it doesn't really have anything clever to say - all the ground it covers has already been covered, and better, a ton of times before.
 Now, humor of course is subjective, so I can see someone really enjoying this thing; on the other hand, a typical joke is someone getting graphically disembowelled and saying 'Owie'. So...
 All in all, I guess I'd describe it as 'cute'. You can turn it off after the first few skits, but the rest isn't that bad. I wish I could say the same about the sequel.

 Scare Package II: Rad Chad's Revenge is an absolute pile of crap I would steer anyone away from, even people who loved the first one. It's a fucking joyless slog that didn't make me laugh a single time. It looks a bit slicker than the first one, more assured, but the contents - including the gore, which is nowhere near as memorable - are pretty cringeworthy. And while the first one was full of references, this one enshrines specific references as jokes. It's not quite as bad as a Friedman/Seltzer movie... wait, you know what? Yes, yes it is, exactly as bad. And I can think of no worse insult to a would-be-comedy.

 The only thing to recommend it is a British sketch that pastiches Re-Animator, Pet Cemetery and a couple other movies, but with pretty young kids as the protagonists and gets respectably gory. It's not great, but it's as good as it gets here, and gets a pretty good joke as the mom character says she's going to soundproof the basement for no reason.
 Oh, and there's a mildly funny spoof of Dr. Loomis in another sketch (that's itself a sequel to a sketch from the first movie.) And that's it. I've run out of nice things to say about this one.


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